Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Blame it on the Berm(Bell) Boys

Analysys of Failure of India to go beyond first round the WC 2k7 and the reasons for Failure

1) We were in the Group of Death as they call. Come on Bangladesh is no push over so arent Sri Lanka. The only team which is unheard of before the WC2007 is Bermuda.

2) We Did not have a proper warm up leading to the tournament. WI dint play to their potential in their Practice game. So there was absolutely no match practise in the West Indian pithches. Blame it on the West Indians for not providing us with a good warm match. They were absolutely useless in that particular match. Sometimes a perfect match does not expose your weakness. There is absolutely no learning from such matches except it gives you an illusion that your team is perfect, which is not always the case.(Indians are not Ausssies who learn even from their best performances where they absolutely blank the oppositions. And Indians are not as Ruthless as Aussies. Sometimes it pays to be ruthless. Take Stephen Roger Waugh for Example.. More on him later...). We have a heart to weaker teams. And thats why we lost to Bangladesh not that we are not capable. And we are a very good neighbours.

3) All the indian players have class. Saurav, Sachin, Rahul definitely have loads of class and elegance. Butttttttttt that alone wont suffice(Take Mark Waugh for example. According to me the besssssst batsment of his time in terms of technique and of course Elegance how can i not associate it with him. He is god no doubt. You can pay a Million dollar to just see him play one Leg Glance of his or the ease with which he takes his catches... Buttttttt again he dint have the Grit or Ruthlessness or Killer Instinct whatever you call Which his Twin Brother had even though he did not have the Gift in his Genes. The world Remembers Stephen Waugh more than his 'Gifted' twin. Life is not fair mate learn to live it). The bottom line is that Indian lacked the mental Strenght or Grit. Please go to S. Waughs house and do gardening then only you can learn how to be Grittty.

4) And there were no fear of Failure. Sometime this also helps. Every cricketer will get their fee even if they lose the match and they have loads of sponsors. Am not against sponsorship but lil skeptical about it in Team games. In individual games its ok since you are playing for yourself and not your County. So the board should come to Decision that palyers should 'Perform' daily or 'Perishh' . Sometimes extreme pressure gets the best out of you. It may also crack em but come on you are playin for the worlds largest Democracy. So if pressure gets to you be sure to kicked out and dont complain. There are always 1000000 of better batsman or bowlers who are not as lucky as the 16 that reprensented in WC2k7. Had they been given a chance the probably we could have made it into the Second Stage of WC2k7.

5) And last but not the least India Did not deserve the Second Stage berth. And one of my frns namely Shashank Tangirala happy that Bangladesh actually won it. It was from the bottom of his heart. Yess many wd have this feeling too. Now India has hit the Rock bottttttom. They should go back to drawing bords asses the causes for the lossses and get back. Sometimes when you hit the rock bottttom the only way is up so dont lose heart. And I am not suggesting one bit about choppping and changing or players. It doesnt work out tat way.. So come on India WC 2k11 is not far offfff. Start preparing for it right away and I want you seee you winnin at the Eden gardens. And it has to a clinical effort. Inida shd score 500 and Get the opposition out for less than 100. Sport is war so prepare for it. Come on India!!!!!! You can do it!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Good Analysis.
But truth is truth. India had not been any better before the worldcup as well. A hopeless creature Sehwag was brought to the front, even when it was known that he was not in form. Well thats just one case.

Anyways i did not see the match!!

Vidat said...

Thanks da....

mad said...

Good one da..emotions and passion are two words fighting each other when we see India play.They let both drain out of our body hmm.

Bishan Bedi had said, "I don't know which will be worse - India winning the tournament or not winning it." Winning would have been great for the team, but bad for cricket; losing would have been good for cricket, but bad for the team. It will take a few months before the effigy-burners fully understand the wisdom of that point of view.

Hope sanity is achieved soon da,no indian can leave a billion crying and not do anything about it..

K.C. Sujata said...

Vid ,
Your prophecy has come true!

I missed your presence . Your exclamtions and laughter.Your rolling on the ground in frustration and jumping high ,nearly touching the fan ,in excitement and joy,whilst identifying yourself totally with the low's and high's of the game of cricket!
The black slapping and hugging of your brother and the tribal dance with friends .

I missed it all .

It may seem strange if the truth is to be told that towards the final four overs I felt your presence , giving me company,watching and relishing every bit of the tense and joyful momemts!

Good luck son till we meet ,next.

Till then spare your unfortunate mother a thought as often as possible.