Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I was invited by the asst at college grads blind association to attend Braille aniv on 24 th jan .How am i connected to braille? oh yes indirectly thro' the visually impaired students to whom i read out lessons or fill up forms or put in my seal when attestation's are needed.
I [a grief stricken mother ] was directed to that place to render my services.I can quite easily relate with with them all tho' they are from a lower class coz both of us r confronted with the q uestion WHY ME ?The common thread traversing class,gender ,caste, c olour and age is our sorrow.They r young,
r there fore able to mask their sorrow and I am middle aged and am trying to come to terms with mine.
I wanted to donate money for books etc and ease my conscience when one young tottally blind man said m'am the service u render like reading etc is 100 times more useful than the money u wld like to dona te.Another yng man said m'am remember the proverb dont give fish but teach a begging person to fish.It was a slap on myconscience, with all my edu and experience i have a lot to learn from these yng souls.
to be contd.


Viper said...

That was a good article on personal experience!

Bala said...

I am also one of the people who had spent a small time(@ wipro) in moving close with Vidat. He was the one who made me to start blogging...

This one really made me to pour my thanks as it has brought out my hidden thoughts inside my mind...

Great going madam.....Vidat always is with us through your deeds.....Thanks to god