Thursday, October 28, 2010

Crow Vs parrot.

A clarion call to quit India was made from the ramparts of the ,capital city,recently.

I hail from a region that was rife with such calls till power was tasted at the centre. This enriched not only the coffers of those who stood in the forefront of such movements but also filtered down to benefit the masses.

When, even a vote of a single MP can determine the fate of the govt at the centre , often compared to the nail biting finishes of odi's, it makes sense to stick on .

Deserting the ship , would in all probability end in being neatly trapped by our neighbours.They may clothe and feed more efficiently than us.

But ,I 'd rather be a crow , fly around freely ,cawing raucously and foraging ravenously than be a petite parrot , listless and fettered for life!

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