Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The woods are lovely ,dark and deep ,
But I have promises to keep ,
And miles to go before I sleep......are the popular lines of a 19 th cent American poet that reveals his take on life.

1800 years earlier ,the Indian king ,an ascetic as well as a poet Bharathri hari has made the following observation, in classical Sanskrit on life in his treatise Vairagya sataka... .

Ayur varshantam nranam parimitam ratru

thadharram gatam|

Tasyar dasya parasya chardhamparam balatva


Sesham vyasdhi vi yogadhu; Khashinta sevaddhibir


Jive ' varita ghyabudbudha saukyam kutah



100 years is the life span of man,

Half of that passes in the stillness of night,

And of the half remaining , half is childhood and old age.

The remainder is spent in service , with sickness ,separation and sorrow as companions.

And where happiness in life is like bubbles blown on water!

Down south Thondaradipodi Aazhwaar a devotee of Lord Vishnu ,in 8 th cent AD has couched his view on life in the following attractive verse in Tamil

Vedanool pirayum nooru manisartham puguverilim

Padhium urangipogum,nintrathil padhi aandu

Pedhai palakan aagum pinni pasee moopum thunbam

Aadhalal piravi ve'ndhyen Aranga ma nagarullane'!


Though Vedas allot 100 years of life to human beings'

Half of this is spent in sleeping,

The remaining half is confiscated by the ignorance of childhood, poverty, hunger, disease ,old age and sorrow.

Therefore ,do not grant me any more births , this my plea to you,the resident of Srirangam[ vishnu]

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