Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Path of the impartial---Samchitta padhita.

**1. The sun shines impartially. It shines neither to foster the growth of Chakravaka birds [ a bird that is greatly attached to sun] nor to put down Chakora birds [a bird that thrives only in moonlight]. So do great men, render their duties impartially.

**4.When clouds comedown to the ocean to drink water, no change is seen in the level of the ocean. Similarly great men remain unaffected and remain impartial though their belongings are usurped or are bestowed with gifts.

**7. Diamonds unlike oil lamps need no attendance to shine day and night.Similarly impartial men shine at all times whether felicitated or not . Unlike ordinary men.

**9. An shield that no weapon can cleave or be taken away and guarantees protection at all times are the qualities of determination, patience and endurance.

1 comment:

K.C. Sujata said...

Dear viewers,

Please visit sujataism --kcsujata to read the concluding chapters of Sri Desikan's Subhashita neevi.
Thank you.
K.C. Sujata [29.9.11]