Sunday, April 10, 2011


Kalidasa was the greatest poet and dramatist of classical Sanskrit ever. His age is roughly pegged to 4 th cent AD.He belonged to the Gupta age the golden age of ancient India.

The following are two of his poems----

Look to this day.

Look to this day,
For it is life, the very life of life,
In its brief course ,
Lie all the varieties and realities of existence,
The bliss of growth,
The glory of action.,
The splendour of achievement,
Are but experiences of time!

For yesterday is but a dream,
And tomorrow is only a vision,
And today well lived makes,
yesterday a dream of happiness,
And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well there fore to this day,
Such is the salutation to the ever new dawn!


Even the man who is happy , glimpses something,
Or a whisker of sound touches him.
And his heart overflows with longing ,
he doesnot recognise.

Then it must be that he is remembering,
in a place out of reach ,
Shapes he has loved ,
In a life before this,
The print of them still in him , waiting!

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