Thursday, February 11, 2010

Women's assignments

Women are expected to be the upholders of traditions and customs in India.

Women [barring a few in cities] never trim their hair and are not expected to cut their hair and therefore have never visited a saloon and still sport long hair braided in plaits or roll it in a bun whilst men from the richest to the poorest ,urbane to the country bumpkin have their cut periodically,and regularly visit the barber.

Women still stick to their sarees and are expected to [ those cumbersome yards] whilst men especially those living in urban areas have long since switched on to pants and shirts and no longer need to tie and retie the ever slipping dhothi.

Women in rural areas sweat in columns fetching water from far off wells ,rivers ponds etc whilst the men sit smoking beedi's languidly or talking politics under shady trees .
Women in urban areas rush to the water tanker with pots and buckets whilst men lounge on couches watching T.V or talking shop.

Women get irritated at the sight of dust and disorder in the house and especially at their men who sit merrily amidst swirling dust and disarray .Therefore they are forced to wield the broom stick or mop or the vacuum cleaner to sweep,clean and tidy the house thoroughly.[Even after a hard day's work at the office or even when down with fever]

Women are expected to shoulder the responsibility of carrying forward ancient traditions and are forced to remember the festivals which occur one after the other without respite and have to sweat it out in the kitchen preparing delicacies whilst men stretch before the T.V watching all those wonderful programmes telecast only on festival day's and criticising the culinary skills [she may be a chef at a 5 star hotel but her cooking will be no patch on their mother's] all the while filling their bellies up to the brim and emptying all the pots and pans!

Women are expected to console the emotionally disturbed at the time of bereavements whilst men stand around shuffling in embarrassment and ready to take flight at the slightest notice.

Women are expected to soothe a bawling baby or a child whilst men beat a hasty retreat the moment the smiling infant or giggling child they were playing with starts hollering and drop it like a hot potato .

Women are the one's asked to choose between the devil and the deep sea in moments of family showdowns .Men are free of such heart wrenching choices.


Evil's Twin (JP) said...

Why this anger on poor men? :(

Times have changed and we(people in metros) don't even interact with the rural population anymore(hardly 1% of us would be meeting them often).

So if that is the case, we would be confining ourselves to the metros. So, if we discuss metros is this the real scenario? I believe the society on the whole(read women and men 30/40 and beyond) have this mentality of how women should behave.

Women in metros are looked upon as equal to men. They're given equal rights and privileges for being a woman. Yet, most of them want to have their piece of cake and eat it too. There are so many things in the world where women get more preference and benefits for, the lives of men aren't even given the slightest thought about. Okay, have men argued/cribbed about this inequality? Till date, I've not seen a single woman come out in support of man or spoken about how much he suffers at the hands of the society.

If you're talking about rural women, then I side with you.

Evolution chooses women all the time and no body can deny that fact.

Vidat said...

Dear Jude

You are most welcome to rush to the defence of your brethrens ,a minuscule lot that doesn't belong to the majority MC'S [I have removed 'P' in deference to other viewers].
Are you married?Is your wife ruling the roost?I hear that there is a club exclusively for men ...'Battered husbands asso'.
Jokes apart women nag and men fight .It is all in the hormones and size of the brain .
Men do suffer at the hands of society . I know it first hand. Sivashankari a Tamil authoress has spoken in support of a man in 'Oru Manidhanin kadai'.
I'll soon relate a debate that may vindicate your stand.

Evil's Twin (JP) said...

Thank you!

Thankfully, I'm not yet married. Marriage as an institution is failing more often in this modern period of love and relationships. I'm too old fashioned. To even think about all that one has to consider what is the purpose of marriage? Before answering that, what is the purpose of life? That is a separate topic all together.

Coming back to the topic, I'm only trying to speak for those souls who don't even realize that they face injustice.

"Is this how you treat a woman?" I've heard many women say this. Why do they expect special treatment? Is there is a specific way to treat them if they ask to be considered equal to men? Why do they expect men to be chivalrous?

It is a well known fact that women are emotionally stronger than men. Do women realize that inequality and be considerate enough to men? Why only blame men for using their physical strength when women use their emotional strength to protect themselves? It is equally damaging (yet there are no laws to protect men/women from emotional damage).

These were just a few thoughts to get started. I'll wait for your post/reply. :D