Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Lost symbol.

Dan Brown seems to have run out of imagination and has dipped generously into his earlier creations--Angels and Demons and The Da vinci code to present a hotch potch story.

The journey of Langdon in a subterranean maze is tiring and there is nothing new about it .Vatican has been replaced by Washington DC.

The character Mala'k reminds one of the albino villain of his earlier novels.And the suspense regarding his lineage has the echo's of Angels and Demons.

Barring a few chapters where the villain chases the heroine the novel is easily 'down puttable'.

I hope that the Lost symbol would be the last of his 'Symbol series'. The concept of Symbols that caught the imagination of the readers of his earlier books , has lost its authenticity and is as childish as a cave man's drawings.

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