Monday, November 30, 2009

Size zero .

Size zero is the epithet attached to the Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor of late, either in magazines or in advertisements or in promotions of movies.

Does size zero imply looking as famished as a Somalian woman and getting rid off all those micro mgm's of extra flab and becoming skinny?

Kareena has lost her' bloom ' she was blessed with bountifully, prior to this tag attached to her .
Our country sides and villages are replete with women possessing 'size zero' figures or even 'minus zero ' figures if such a measurement exists in the fashion world.
Almost all of them walk more gracefully than their urbane' counterparts stomping down the modelling ramps or sway to music much more rhythmically than Bollywood heroines, whilst fetching water carried on pots piled one over the other, balanced on their heads ,from wells and rivers miles away from their villages homes .
The only difference is that the village belle's are swathed in yards of clothing after much scrimping and saving to cover all, whilst the Bollywood queens splurge away a sizeable portion of their fortune to fashion designers to acquire and wear skimpy dresses to reveal all!

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