Monday, December 28, 2009

Mobile in MTC.

If you are forced to travel by bus in Chennai ,take some cotton wool to close your ears if you are tense or sit back and enjoy if you are in a relaxed mood because ,invariably there will a person [man or woman] speaking so loudly on the mobile[like shouting in trunk calls of yore] that the entire bus from the driver to the passenger at the back seat will get to hear each and every bit of the conversation.

The entire bus will know what that person ate for lunch,what clothes are going to be purchased ,which relative is visiting ,details of fracas with in-laws or bosses and who said what !! Be prepared at times to hear blatant lies spoken by young men to their bosses like 'Sir I am at Ooty Sir ' unaware or not bothered about 50 pairs of ears hearing this atrocious excuse in the heart of Chennai!

All you lonely souls bereft of human company and juicy gossips your fix is just a bus stop away . Board a M.T.C. bus and bid goodbye to your blues at least for a while!

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