Monday, December 14, 2009

'United we stand divided we fall' was the mantra of the congress party that spearheaded the freedom movement after arriving at the conclusion that India repeatedly succumbed to foreign invasions owing to the proliferation of tiny kingdoms squabbling amongst themselves.

Immediately after independence Sardar Patel succeeded tremendously in shearing off the sovereignty of a mind boggling 500 Princely states with a iron hand, and in their amalgamation within the Indian union.

In the current political scenario there seems to be a reversal of that sacrosanct principle.The clamour for breaking existing states into two or more is getting shriller day by day. A fall out of the population increasing in leaps and bounds that demands proximity of its rulers for effective governance and is also indicative of the soaring levels of the confidence of the politicians and people that splitting states into smaller states will in no way dilute the concept of Indian nationhood.
Bharat has come to stay.

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