Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A thing of beauty ...

I am glad that am alive to hear and enjoy that moment in time when I hear the sudden and beautiful burst of the koel that seems to sing its heart out.

Why does it coo so sweetly ?What makes its melodies burst forth and enchant my mundane life?

The cooing of the koel suddenly transforms a ugly world into a beautiful one with promise of better tidings and filling a despondent heart with the hope that all is not lost amidst the grim realities of life and harshness of death as the subtle beauties of nature also a hidden facet of the creator glimmers through to gladden a heart.

That upliftment is momentary but the unfettered connection with the beautiful aspects of creation is real and mutual.A spontaneous absorption with and enjoyment of all that is good ,beautiful and blissful.

A thing of beauty is a joy ,but not for ever ,only for those priceless seconds coming from somewhere unknown and unbidden!

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