Thursday, December 3, 2009

Life's yearning for itself !

I live in one of the most crowded ,noisiest and busiest part of Chennai.Hundreds of people walk , race in motor bikes with their horns in full blast , swoosh in cars up and down and thunder by in autos ,on the road adjoining my flat all day till late at night .

The harsh clanking of the metalic L.P.G cylinders being thrown down from the trucks conveying them from the outskirts of the city on to the waiting cycle carts is heard most of the day.

The grating sound made by the water pumps that are cranked through out the day accompanied by the high pitched voices of women hurling choiciest abuses at each other in their eternal fights over water pierces my ears every day.

Yet amidst all this cacaphony of sounds I also hear the shrill screeches of squirrels,the pleasant screeches of parrots,the mumblings and grumblings of pigeons, the musical cooing of koels,the warble of mynahs,the trilling and twittering notes of some invisible birds and ofcourse the cawing of the omni present crows and the piteous mewing of kittens.

Where do all these animals and birds live?There are very few trees around.Where is the hole of the squirrels that run screeching across my balcony chasing one another?How do they escape being the crafty crows supper and frolic around merrily?Where do they all disappear at night?What shelters do they seek to escape the downpour when the skies open up?

Along with 100's of people living and trampling around brashly and noisily ,these tiny creatures are also living ,gathering food ,eating,giving birth to young ones or laying eggs ,and nourishing their young ones to adult hood, unobtrusively!

A whole drama of life is unfolding right before our human eyes yet most of us are unaware of this and to those who are like me it seems so mysterious and yet comforting!


Unknown said...

Dear Vidat,

This is really interesting to know abt.

Vidat said...

Dear Nirmal,
I think it as a compliment that you are addressing me as Vidat , either I have morphed as a youthful blogger or you want to keep Vidat's memory intact. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Dear Vidat,

You are right.I started liking the stuff you write and it seems to me that your writing is much more better than a youthful blogger.And never ever I will forget you(Vidat) and I like to see your name in the comments.

I just start referring to understand your vocabulary and this is interesting.

Why dont you join Media - Publication?

I bet your columns would be the best..

Vidat said...

Dear Nirmal
What a wonderful commen t!Thank you so much.